

查詢條件:找 類群=蝦蟹類, 共85,839筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Gelasimus borealis 北方丑招潮蟹 Gelasimus borealis (Crane, 1975) 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Eriphia scabricula 粗糙酋婦蟹 Eriphia scabricula Dana, 1852 蝦蟹類 1995-12-16 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Gelasimus borealis 北方丑招潮蟹 Gelasimus borealis (Crane, 1975) 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Leptodius sanguineus 肉球皺蟹 Leptodius sanguineus (H.Milne Edwards, 1834) 蝦蟹類 1994-04-10 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Gelasimus borealis 北方丑招潮蟹 Gelasimus borealis (Crane, 1975) 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Leptodius sanguineus 肉球皺蟹 Leptodius sanguineus (H.Milne Edwards, 1834) 蝦蟹類 1994-04-10 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Candidiopotamon rathbuni 拉氏明溪蟹 Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) 蝦蟹類 1993-03-29 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Leptodius sanguineus 肉球皺蟹 Leptodius sanguineus (H.Milne Edwards, 1834) 蝦蟹類 1994-04-10 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Candidiopotamon rathbuni 拉氏明溪蟹 Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) 蝦蟹類 1993-03-29 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Austruca lactea 乳白南方招潮 Austruca lactea (De Haan, 1835) 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Etisus laevimanus 光掌滑面蟹 Etisus laevimanus Randall, 1840 蝦蟹類 1997-10-07 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Dotilla wichmanni 衛氏毛帶蟹 Dotilla wichmanni De Man, 1892 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Candidiopotamon rathbuni 拉氏明溪蟹 Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) 蝦蟹類 1993-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Dotilla wichmanni 衛氏毛帶蟹 Dotilla wichmanni De Man, 1892 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Candidiopotamon rathbuni 拉氏明溪蟹 Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) 蝦蟹類 1993-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Dotilla wichmanni 衛氏毛帶蟹 Dotilla wichmanni De Man, 1892 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Candidiopotamon rathbuni 拉氏明溪蟹 Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) 蝦蟹類 1993-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Dotilla wichmanni 衛氏毛帶蟹 Dotilla wichmanni De Man, 1892 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Geothelphusa takuan 達觀澤蟹 Geothelphusa hirsuta Tan & Liu, 1998 蝦蟹類 1994-06-17 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Dotilla wichmanni 衛氏毛帶蟹 Dotilla wichmanni De Man, 1892 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Dotilla wichmanni 衛氏毛帶蟹 Dotilla wichmanni De Man, 1892 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Helice latimera 側足厚蟹 Helice latimera Parisi, 1918 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Candidiopotamon rathbuni 拉氏明溪蟹 Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) 蝦蟹類 1993-05-11 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Dotilla wichmanni 衛氏毛帶蟹 Dotilla wichmanni De Man, 1892 蝦蟹類 1998-06-21 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Candidiopotamon rathbuni 拉氏明溪蟹 Candidiopotamon rathbuni (De Man, 1914) 蝦蟹類 1993-05-10 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan