

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=脊索動物門 Chordata + 資料集=The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge, 共7,286筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Phoenicurus auroreus 黃尾鴝 Phoenicurus auroreus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ficedula narcissina 黃眉黃鶲 Ficedula narcissina 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ficedula mugimaki 白眉黃鶲 Ficedula mugimaki 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Cyanoptila cyanomelana 白腹琉璃 Cyanoptila cyanomelana 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Calliope calliope 野鴝 Calliope calliope 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Muscicapa dauurica 寬嘴鶲 Muscicapa dauurica 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Passer montanus 麻雀 Passer montanus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Monticola solitarius 藍磯鶇 Monticola solitarius 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Saxicola stejnegeri 黑喉鴝 Saxicola maurus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Phalacrocorax carbo 鸕鷀 Phalacrocorax carbo 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula leucogaster 白腹鰹鳥 Sula leucogaster 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sula dactylatra 藍臉鰹鳥 Sula dactylatra 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Larus argentatus 銀鷗 Larus argentatus 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea intermedia 中白鷺 Ardea intermedia 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea alba 大白鷺 Ardea alba 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Ardea cinerea 蒼鷺 Ardea cinerea 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Larus crassirostris 黑尾鷗 Larus crassirostris 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Actitis hypoleucos 磯鷸 Actitis hypoleucos 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Scolopax rusticola 山鷸 Scolopax rusticola 鳥類 2003 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Turdus cardis 烏灰鶇 Turdus cardis 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Turdus obscurus 白眉鶇 Turdus obscurus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Spodiopsar cineraceus 灰椋鳥 Spodiopsar cineraceus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Zoothera aurea 白氏地鶇 Zoothera aurea 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Sturnia sinensis 灰背椋鳥 Sturnia sinensis 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge
Spodiopsar sericeus 絲光椋鳥 Spodiopsar sericeus 鳥類 2009 基隆市中正區 The Survey Data of Mianhua and Huaping Islets Wildlife Refuge