

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=鱸形目 Perciformes + 資料集=Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum, 共1,975筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Synagrops philippinensis 魚類 2006-7-11 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Apogon 天竺鯛屬 Apogon properuptus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Scarus psittacus 棕吻鸚哥魚 Scarus psittacus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Istiblennius edentulus 暗紋蛙鳚 Istiblennius edentulus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Parastromateus niger 烏鯧 Parastromateus niger 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Photopectoralis bindus 黃斑光胸鰏 Photopectoralis bindus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Xenocephalus elongatus 奇頭鰧 Xenocephalus elongatus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Cephalopholis sexmaculata 六斑九刺鮨 Cephalopholis sexmaculata 魚類 2017-2-23 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Scomberoides lysan 逆鈎鰺 Scomberoides lysan 魚類 2018-12-24 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Gerres oyena 奧奈鑽嘴魚 Gerres oyena 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Parascombrops philippinensis 菲律賓尖牙鱸 Parascombrops philippinensis 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Upeneus japonicus 日本緋鯉 Upeneus japonicus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Malakichthys elegans 美軟魚 Malakichthys elegans 魚類 2018-12-21 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Nemipterus furcosus 紅金線魚 Nemipterus furcosus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Microcanthus strigatus 柴魚 Microcanthus strigatus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Equulites leuciscus 曳絲馬鰏 Equulites leuciscus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Sphyraena japonica 日本金梭魚 Sphyraena japonica 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Pennahia anea 截尾白姑魚 Pennahia anea 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Ostorhinchus pleuron 側帶天竺鯛 Ostorhinchus pleuron 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Acropoma japonicum 日本發光鯛 Acropoma japonicum 魚類 2018-12-21 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Argyrops bleekeri 布氏長棘鯛 Argyrops bleekeri 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Triso dermopterus 鳶鱠 Triso dermopterus 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Acropoma japonicum 日本發光鯛 Acropoma japonicum 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum
Acropoma hanedai 羽根田氏發光鯛 Acropoma hanedai 魚類 Fish collection of the Kagoshima University Museum