

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=胡蜂科 Vespidae, 共6,469筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Pseudozumia taiwana 臺灣剛蜾蠃 Pseudozumia taiwana Sonan, 1937 其他昆蟲 2008-06-15 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Apodynerus formosensis 臺灣窄腰蜾蠃 Apodynerus formosensis formosensis 其他昆蟲 2008-07-06 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Orancistrocerus drewseni nigricapitus Orancistrocerus drewseni nigricapitus (Sonan, 1939) 其他昆蟲 2008-07-06 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Orancistrocerus drewseni nigricapitus Orancistrocerus drewseni nigricapitus (Sonan, 1939) 其他昆蟲 2008-07-06 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Eumenes punctatus formosensis 黃領凹背蜾蠃 Eumenes punctatus formosensis Giordani & Soika, 1941 其他昆蟲 2008-07-09 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Parancistrocerus taihorinensis Parancistrocerus taihorinensis (Schulthess, 1934) 其他昆蟲 2008-07-06 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Eumenes punctatus formosensis 黃領凹背蜾蠃 Eumenes punctatus formosensis Giordani & Soika, 1941 其他昆蟲 2008-07-09 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Allorhynchium chinense 中華異喙蜾蠃 Allorhynchium chinense (de Saussure, 1862) 其他昆蟲 2008-08-28 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Pararrhynchium ornatum; Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃; 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃 Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri (Schulthess, 1934) 其他昆蟲 2008-08-28 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Pararrhynchium ornatum; Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃; 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃 Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri (Schulthess, 1934) 其他昆蟲 2008-08-28 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Allorhynchium chinense 中華異喙蜾蠃 Allorhynchium chinense (de Saussure, 1862) 其他昆蟲 2008-08-28 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Pararrhynchium ornatum; Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃; 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃 Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri (Schulthess, 1934) 其他昆蟲 2008-08-28 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Pararrhynchium ornatum; Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃; 赭褐旁喙蜾蠃 Pararrhynchium ornatum sauteri (Schulthess, 1934) 其他昆蟲 2008-08-28 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Apodynerus yayeyamensis 八重窄腰蜾蠃 Apodynerus yayeyamensis yayeyamensis 其他昆蟲 2008-09-24 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Apodynerus yayeyamensis 八重窄腰蜾蠃 Apodynerus yayeyamensis yayeyamensis 其他昆蟲 2008-09-24 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Apodynerus yayeyamensis 八重窄腰蜾蠃 Apodynerus yayeyamensis yayeyamensis 其他昆蟲 2008-09-24 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Symmorphus hoozanensis 臺灣同形蜾蠃 Symmorphus hoozanensis Schulthess, 1934 其他昆蟲 2008-09-02 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Delta pyriforme 黃胸錐腹蜾蠃 Delta pyriforme (Fabricius, 1775) 其他昆蟲 2008-09-24 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Oreumenes decoratus 鑲銹平唇蜾蠃 Oreumenes decoratus (Smith, 1852) 其他昆蟲 2007-06-14 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Symmorphus hoozanensis 臺灣同形蜾蠃 Symmorphus hoozanensis Schulthess, 1934 其他昆蟲 2007-07-06 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Eumenes tosawae 黃腰凹背蜾蠃 Eumenes tosawae Giordani Soika, 1941 其他昆蟲 2006-10-31 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Anterhynchium flavomarginatum formosicola 黃緣前喙蜾蠃 Anterhynchium flavomarginatum formosicola (Schulthess, 1934) 其他昆蟲 2006-10-31 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Paraleptomenes miniatus miniatus Paraleptomenes miniatus miniatus 其他昆蟲 2005-09-22 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Paraleptomenes miniatus miniatus Paraleptomenes miniatus miniatus 其他昆蟲 2005-09-22 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Paraleptomenes miniatus miniatus Paraleptomenes miniatus miniatus 其他昆蟲 2004-07-26 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI