

查詢條件:找 分類群(含所有子分類群)=泛植物界 Plantae + 資料集=Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020 + 行政區(含所有子行政區)=苗栗縣造橋鄉, 共102筆重新查詢
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Paspalum distichum L. 雙穗雀稗 Paspalum distichum L. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Aster subulatus Michx. 掃帚菊 Aster subulatus (Michx.) hort. ex Michx. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Bidens pilosa L. 白花鬼針 Bidens pilosa L. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Nakai 兔仔菜 Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Nakai 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Taraxacum officinale Weber 西洋蒲公英 Taraxacum officinale Weber 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Breynia officinalis Hemsl. Breynia officinalis Hemsl. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers 千金藤 Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Echinochloa colona (L.) Link 芒稷 Echinochloa colona (L.) Link 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. 一枝香 Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. 一枝香 Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P.Beauv. 畫眉草 Eragrostis pilosa (L.) P.Beauv. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Mallotus repandus (Willd.) Müll.Arg. 扛香藤 Mallotus repandus (Willd.) Mull.Arg. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Melia azedarach L. 楝 Melia azedarach L. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Aster subulatus Michx. 掃帚菊 Aster subulatus (Michx.) hort. ex Michx. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs 大黍 Panicum maximum Jacq. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit 銀合歡 Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Passiflora suberosa L. 三角葉西番蓮 Passiflora suberosa L. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 黃鵪菜 Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Paspalum conjugatum Bergius 兩耳草 Paspalum conjugatum Bergius 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 黃鵪菜 Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 黃鵪菜 Youngia japonica (L.) DC. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 空心蓮子草 Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. 海茄冬 Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers 千金藤 Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. 狗牙根 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. 被子植物 2005-1-11 苗栗縣造橋鄉 Investigation Current Status of River in Taiwan between 2002 to 2020