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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Echidna nebulosa 星帶蝮鯙 Echidna nebulosa (Ahl, 1789) 魚類 2007-8-22 新北市貢寮區 National Taiwan Ocean University
Echidna nebulosa 星帶蝮鯙 Echidna nebulosa (Ahl, 1789) 魚類 2007-9-6 新北市石門區 National Taiwan Ocean University
Bathymyrus simus 銼吻淵油鰻 Bathymyrus simus Smith, 1965 魚類 2008-11-16 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Gymnothorax 裸胸鯙屬 Gymnothorax reticularis Bloch, 1795 魚類 2008-11-18 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Rhynchoconger ectenurus 黑尾突吻糯鰻 Rhynchoconger ectenurus (Jordan & Richardson, 1909) 魚類 2008-11-18 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Ophichthus macrochir 大鰭蛇鰻 Ophichthus macrochir (Bleeker, 1853) 魚類 2008-11-14 嘉義縣東石鄉 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Gymnothorax 裸胸鯙屬 Gymnothorax Bloch, 1795 魚類 2008-11-15 屏東縣東港鎮 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Uroconger lepturus 狹尾糯鰻 Uroconger lepturus (Richardson, 1845) 魚類 2008-11-14 嘉義縣東石鄉 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Muraenesox bagio 百吉海鰻 Muraenesox bagio (Hamilton, 1822) 魚類 2008-11-14 嘉義縣東石鄉 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Oxyconger leptognathus 狹頜海鰻 Oxyconger leptognathus (Bleeker, 1858) 魚類 2008-11-16 屏東縣新園鄉 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Dysomma dolichosomatum 長身前肛鰻 Dysomma dolichosomatum Karrer, 1983 魚類 2008-11-16 屏東縣新園鄉 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Conger myriaster 繁星糯鰻 Conger japonicus Bleeker, 1879 魚類 2008-11-15 屏東縣東港鎮 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Gymnothorax 裸胸鯙屬 Gymnothorax Bloch, 1795 魚類 2008-11-14 嘉義縣東石鄉 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Dysomma 前肛鰻屬 Dysomma Alcock, 1889 魚類 2008-11-18 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Nettastoma solitarium 前鼻鴨嘴鰻 Nettastoma solitarium Castle & Smith, 1981 魚類 2008-11-12 台中市清水區 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Rhynchoconger ectenurus 黑尾突吻糯鰻 Rhynchoconger ectenurus (Jordan & Richardson, 1909) 魚類 2008-11-12 台中市清水區 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Strophidon sathete 長鯙 Strophidon sathete (Hamilton, 1822) 魚類 2008-11-12 台中市清水區 LSUMZ (LSU MNS) Fishes Collection
Gorgasia taiwanensis 臺灣園鰻 Gorgasia taiwanensis Shao, 1990 魚類 1989-4-21 Collection Pisces SMF
Anguilla marmorata 花鰻鱺 Anguilla marmorata Quoy & Gaimard, 1824 魚類 台南市安南區 IndOBIS, Indian Ocean Node of OBIS
Heteroconger hassi 哈氏異糯鰻 Heteroconger hassi (Klausewitz & Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1959) 魚類 2014-10-4 屏東縣 Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
Heteroconger hassi 哈氏異糯鰻 Heteroconger hassi (Klausewitz & Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1959) 魚類 2013-4-19 屏東縣 Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
Leiuranus semicinctus 半環蓋蛇鰻 Leiuranus semicinctus (Lay & Bennett, 1839) 魚類 2012-4-27 台東縣蘭嶼鄉 Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
Leiuranus semicinctus 半環蓋蛇鰻 Leiuranus semicinctus (Lay & Bennett, 1839) 魚類 2012-4-27 台東縣蘭嶼鄉 Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
Echidna nebulosa 星帶蝮鯙 Echidna nebulosa (Ahl, 1789) 魚類 2010-9-27 台東縣 Diveboard - Scuba diving citizen science observations
Ophichthus 蛇鰻屬 Ophichthus Ahl, 1789 魚類 1996-11-27 澎湖縣馬公市 Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
Ariosoma anago 白錐體糯鰻 Ariosoma anago (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) 魚類 1996-12-20 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
Dysomma anguillare 前肛鰻 Dysomma anguillare Barnard, 1923 魚類 1996-12-2 宜蘭縣南澳鄉 Ichthyology Collection - Royal Ontario Museum
Ariosoma anago 白錐體糯鰻 Ariosoma anago (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) 魚類 2009-9-5 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Bathycongrus wallacei 瓦氏深海糯鰻 Bathycongrus baranesi Ben-Tuvia, 1993 魚類 2009-9-5 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Ophichthus tsuchidae 柴田氏蛇鰻 Ophichthus tsuchidae Jordan & Snyder, 1901 魚類 2009-9-7 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gnathophis 頜吻鰻屬 Gnathophis nystromi (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) 魚類 2009-9-5 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gymnothorax 裸胸鯙屬 Gymnothorax reticularis Bloch, 1795 魚類 2009-9-8 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Conger myriaster 繁星糯鰻 Conger myriaster (Brevoort, 1856) 魚類 2009-9-5 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Ophichthus urolophus 裙鰭蛇鰻 Ophichthus urolophus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) 魚類 2009-9-7 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Enchelycore lichenosa 苔斑勾吻鯙 Enchelycore lichenosa (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) 魚類 2009-9-8 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gymnothorax 裸胸鯙屬 Gymnothorax reticularis Bloch, 1795 魚類 2009-9-7 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gavialiceps taiwanensis 臺灣絲尾海鰻 Gavialiceps taiwanensis (Chen & Weng, 1967) 魚類 2009-9-12 屏東縣新園鄉 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Echelus uropterus 小尾鰭蠕鰻 Echelus uropterus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846) 魚類 2009-9-7 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gavialiceps taiwanensis 臺灣絲尾海鰻 Gavialiceps taiwanensis (Chen & Weng, 1967) 魚類 2009-9-8 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gavialiceps taiwanensis 臺灣絲尾海鰻 Gavialiceps taiwanensis (Chen & Weng, 1967) 魚類 2009-9-5 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Pisodonophis boro 波路荳齒蛇鰻 Pisodonophis boro (Hamilton, 1822) 魚類 2009-9-13 高雄市茄萣區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gnathophis 頜吻鰻屬 Gnathophis nystromi (Jordan & Snyder, 1901) 魚類 2009-9-8 宜蘭縣頭城鎮 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Anguilla japonica 日本鰻鱺 Anguilla japonica Temminck & Schlegel, 1846 魚類 1907-1-27 嘉義市東區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Ariosoma 錐體糯鰻屬 Ariosoma anagoides (Bleeker, 1853) 魚類 1907-1-17 高雄市前鎮區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Echidna polyzona 多環蝮鯙 Echidna polyzona (Richardson, 1845) 魚類 1906 高雄市前鎮區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Anguilla 鰻鱺屬 Anguilla sinensis McClelland, 1843 魚類 1906 高雄市前鎮區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gymnothorax favagineus 大斑裸胸鯙 Gymnothorax favagineus Bloch & Schneider, 1801 魚類 1906 高雄市前鎮區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus 淡網紋裸胸鯙 Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideus (Bleeker, 1853) 魚類 1906 高雄市前鎮區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gymnothorax fimbriatus 花鰭裸胸鯙 Gymnothorax fimbriatus (Bennett, 1832) 魚類 1906 高雄市前鎮區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
Gymnothorax 裸胸鯙屬 Gymnothorax reticularis Bloch, 1795 魚類 1906 高雄市前鎮區 Field Museum of Natural History (Zoology) Fish Collection
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