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物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Digitaria violascens Link 紫果馬唐 Digitaria violascens Link 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T.Blake 臭根子草 Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.) A.Camus 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T.Blake 臭根子草 Bothriochloa intermedia (R.Br.) A.Camus 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Saccharum spontaneum L. 甜根子草 Saccharum spontaneum L. 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Amaranthus 莧屬 Amaranthus mangostanus L. 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Digitaria violascens Link 紫果馬唐 Digitaria violascens Link 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis (L.) Oostst. 馬鞍藤 Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis (L.) Ooststr. 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis (L.) Oostst. 馬鞍藤 Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis (L.) Ooststr. 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Saccharum spontaneum L. 甜根子草 Saccharum spontaneum L. 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Amaranthus 莧屬 Amaranthus mangostanus L. 被子植物 雲林縣西螺鎮 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet 大葉莔麻 Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs 大黍 Panicum maximum Jacq. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 匙葉鼠麴草 Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 匙葉鼠麴草 Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Leersia hexandra Sw. 李氏禾 Leersia hexandra Sw. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit 銀合歡 Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 匙葉鼠麴草 Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 被子植物 2013-03-26 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet 大葉莔麻 Abutilon grandifolium (Willd.) Sweet 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Megathyrsus maximus (Jacq.) B.K.Simon & S.W.L.Jacobs 大黍 Panicum maximum Jacq. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Amaranthus viridis L. 野莧菜 Amaranthus viridis L. 被子植物 2013-03-26 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit 銀合歡 Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. 碗仔花 Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. 被子植物 2013-03-26 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Solanum americanum Mill. 光果龍葵 Solanum americanum Mill. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 匙葉鼠麴草 Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan
Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb. 寬翼豆 Macroptilium lathyroides (L.) Urb. 被子植物 2013-03-28 雲林縣西螺鎮 Alien plant presence dataset from the point-radius plot surveys in 2010-2015 in Taiwan