
黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta

TBN UUID: 8f27db10-aff0-4ee0-812a-ec9f56c44827
蛾類 Moths
Butler, 1875
原生 Native
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 南投縣信義鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 彰化縣 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 南投縣魚池鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 高雄市茂林區 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 南投縣魚池鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 宜蘭縣三星鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 南投縣魚池鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 嘉義縣中埔鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 南投縣仁愛鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 高雄市茂林區 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 屏東縣春日鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 南投縣仁愛鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 宜蘭縣三星鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI
Macroglossum pyrrhosticta 黃斑長喙天蛾 Macroglossum pyrrhosticta Butler, 1875 蛾類 南投縣魚池鄉 Forest Arthropod Collection of Taiwan, TFRI