
黃褥花目 Malpighiales

物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Hypericum geminiflorum Hemsl. 雙花金絲桃 Hypericum geminiflorum subsp. geminiflorum 被子植物 高雄市桃源區 UCBG TAPIR Provider
Hypericum nagasawae Hayata 玉山金絲桃 Hypericum nagasawai Hayata 被子植物 南投縣仁愛鄉 UCBG TAPIR Provider
Aleurites 石栗屬 Aleurites moluccanus (L.) Willd. 被子植物 屏東縣車城鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Antidesma japonicum var. densiflorum Hurus. 密花五月茶 Antidesma japonicum var. densiflorum Hurus. 被子植物 台北市士林區 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Antidesma hiiranense Hayata 南仁五月茶 Antidesma hiiranense Hayata 被子植物 屏東縣滿州鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Bischofia javanica Blume 茄冬 Bischofia javanica Blume 被子植物 新竹縣尖石鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Bridelia tomentosa Blume 土密樹 Bridelia tomentosa Blume 被子植物 台東縣卑南鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Bridelia tomentosa Blume 土密樹 Bridelia tomentosa Blume 被子植物 台東縣卑南鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Euphorbia hirta L. 大飛揚草 Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. 被子植物 澎湖縣西嶼鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Euphorbia hirta L. 大飛揚草 Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. 被子植物 澎湖縣馬公市 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Bridelia tomentosa Blume 土密樹 Bridelia tomentosa Blume 被子植物 苗栗縣三義鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax 交力坪鐵色 Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax & K.Hoffm. 被子植物 屏東縣牡丹鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax 交力坪鐵色 Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax & K.Hoffm. 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax 交力坪鐵色 Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax & K.Hoffm. 被子植物 台東縣達仁鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax 交力坪鐵色 Drypetes karapinensis (Hayata) Pax & K.Hoffm. 被子植物 屏東縣獅子鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. 白飯樹 Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. 白飯樹 Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion philippicum (Cavan.) C.B.Rob. 菲律賓饅頭果 Glochidion philippicum (Cav.) C.B.Rob. 被子植物 嘉義縣竹崎鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion philippicum (Cavan.) C.B.Rob. 菲律賓饅頭果 Glochidion philippicum (Cav.) C.B.Rob. 被子植物 屏東縣恆春鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 Glochidion rubrum Blume 被子植物 台東縣卑南鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 Glochidion rubrum Blume 被子植物 苗栗縣獅潭鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 Glochidion rubrum Blume 被子植物 宜蘭縣蘇澳鎮 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 Glochidion rubrum Blume 被子植物 屏東縣牡丹鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion rubrum Blume 細葉饅頭果 Glochidion rubrum Blume 被子植物 南投縣仁愛鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan
Glochidion zeylanicum (Gaertn.) A.Juss. Glochidion zeylanicum (Gaertn.) A.Juss. 被子植物 新竹縣尖石鄉 National vegetation diversity inventory and mapping plan