
嚙齒目 Rodentia

TBN UUID: bd544e95-9337-471c-b141-a84e5e6b7157
哺乳類 Mammals
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Rattus tanezumi 亞洲家鼠 Rattus tanezumi 哺乳類 1971-09-08 南投縣埔里鎮 LACM Vertebrate Collection
Tamiops 花松鼠屬 Tamiops mcclellandii 哺乳類 Colección de Mamíferos Museo de La Salle Bogotá (MLS)
Rattus rattus 玄鼠 Rattus rattus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus agrarius 赤背條鼠 Apodemus agrarius 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus semotus 臺灣森鼠 Apodemus semotus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Bandicota indica 鬼鼠 Bandicota indica 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Microtus kikuchii 臺灣高山田鼠 Microtus kikuchii 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Niviventer culturatus 高山白腹鼠 Niviventer culturatus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus 家鼠屬 Rattus sp, 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus rattus 玄鼠 Rattus rattus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 1975-03-22 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus semotus 臺灣森鼠 Apodemus semotus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus agrarius 赤背條鼠 Apodemus agrarius 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Bandicota indica 鬼鼠 Bandicota indica 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus losea 小黃腹鼠 Rattus losea 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 1988-06-24 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus semotus 臺灣森鼠 Apodemus semotus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Apodemus agrarius 赤背條鼠 Apodemus agrarius 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus rattus 玄鼠 Rattus rattus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus losea 小黃腹鼠 Rattus losea 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Mus musculus 家鼷鼠 Mus musculus 哺乳類 1988-06-24 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Rattus norvegicus 溝鼠 Rattus norvegicus 哺乳類 Mammal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science
Callosciurus erythraeus 赤腹松鼠 Callosciurus erythraeus 哺乳類 2013-10-10 台北市北投區 naturgucker