
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f.

TBN UUID: c9a75dd8-c9aa-49ad-af18-a73810b3026f
TaxonFile系統樹編碼: C303120303050402050515001008900007000
被子植物 Angiosperms
原生 Native
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2011-06-21 台中市和平區 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2009-07-22 宜蘭縣大同鄉 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2008-06-17 高雄市桃源區 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2003-07-01 花蓮縣秀林鄉 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2002-07-25 嘉義縣阿里山鄉 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2001-07-31 宜蘭縣大同鄉 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2001-08-15 宜蘭縣大同鄉 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1994-05-13 高雄市桃源區 Database of Native Plants in Taiwan
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 南投縣仁愛鄉 The digitization of plant specimens of NTU
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2003-07-17 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2003-07-10 南投縣仁愛鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1997-09-10 花蓮縣秀林鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2000-08-10 南投縣仁愛鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1974-07-04 桃園市復興區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1974-07-04 桃園市復興區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2002-09-29 苗栗縣通霄鎮 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1997-07-27 高雄市桃源區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1997-07-27 高雄市桃源區 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1983-06-20 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1975-05-07 新竹縣尖石鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 1975-05-07 新竹縣尖石鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2003-07-25 新竹縣尖石鄉 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2006-07-01 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2006-08-24 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f. Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue 被子植物 2006-08-06 Herbarium of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute