
岩螺屬 Drupa

TBN UUID: f8d5ce32-c41d-497b-a57a-613e4383fbb5
蝸牛與貝類 Snails & Shells
物種 原始紀錄物種 類群 日期 行政區 資料集
Drupa morum 紫口岩螺 Drupa morum 蝸牛與貝類 1975-01-01 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa morum 紫口岩螺 Drupa morum 蝸牛與貝類 1972-01-01 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa 岩螺屬 Drupa rubusidaeus 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa morum 紫口岩螺 Drupa morum 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa morum 紫口岩螺 Drupa morum 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa morum 紫口岩螺 Drupa morum 蝸牛與貝類 1975-01-01 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus 蝸牛與貝類 1981-04-11 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa 岩螺屬 Drupa rubusidaeus 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa 岩螺屬 Drupa 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus 蝸牛與貝類 1981-04-11 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa 岩螺屬 Drupa rubusidaeus 蝸牛與貝類 1981-04-11 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa morum 紫口岩螺 Drupa morum 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa 岩螺屬 Drupa rubusidaeus 蝸牛與貝類 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa 岩螺屬 Drupa rubusidaeus 蝸牛與貝類 南投縣埔里鎮 Malacology Collection at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus 蝸牛與貝類 INSDC Sequences
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 1979-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 1979-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 1979-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 1979-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
Drupa ricinus 黃齒岩螺 Drupa ricinus (Linnaeus, 1758) 蝸牛與貝類 1979-06-04 Biological Collection of the National Taiwan Museum, Taipei, Taiwan